Frequently Asked Questions

Teeth whitening is the process of removing the colored substances, which are located in the invisible porous structure of the enamel layer. The enamel layer is the top layer of the tooth. The treatment is done with special tooth whitening gels.

Teeth whitening does not cause permanent damage or pain to the teeth. There may be a temporary sensitivity during the procedure and for the next 1-2 days.

The results obtained with teeth whitening treatment are individual and depend on many different factors. For example, if discoloration of the teeth is more yellow-toned, teeth whitening gives better results. Gray teeth, especially those caused by antibiotic use, are more difficult to whiten and may require a longer process to achieve the result.

If there is not enough bone in the patient during the examination, the bone infrastructure is created with some additional procedures then implants are placed. It is inconvenient to perform it for people who have recently received chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

The lifespan of dental teeth is equal to the lifespan of your natural teeth. Taking good care of oral and dental health can make it last for many years.

Compared to conventional treatment methods, the stage of making the prosthesis takes more time after implant treatment. The titanium structure is a light, strong, shiny, corrosion-resistant grayish transition metal and takes 2,5-3 months to integrate with the bone. As an additional process, waiting for 6-9 months will be needed if the surgery is performed in the jawbone or sinus cavities. The result obtained at the end of the expected time will be satisfactory and long-lasting.

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